Gait Analysis Course by Kirsten Götz-Neumann in Vienna


Gait analysis: basic and advanced course in Vienna.


Gait Analysis Course by Kirsten Götz-Neumann in Vienna: A Look at the Latest Developments

In June 2024, a gait analysis course led by Kirsten Götz-Neumann took place at the Barmherzige Brüder Hospital in Vienna. More than 30 participants, including physiotherapists, orthopedists, orthopedic technicians, and sports scientists, attended this course, which focused on understanding, analyzing, and visualizing gait behavior.

Course Topics and Content

The course began with an introduction to the fundamentals of gait analysis, where participants learned about the key parameters and methods for evaluating gait patterns. Kirsten Götz-Neumann, a renowned expert in gait analysis, guided participants through theoretical and practical sessions, offering a comprehensive view of various aspects of gait diagnostics.

A central theme was the visualization of gait behavior. Participants learned how modern technologies can be used to capture and represent movement patterns accurately. Using video technology and specialized software solutions such as stappone, participants could analyze and visually present the movements of patients in detail.

Integration of Stappone Sensor Insoles

A special highlight of the course was a joint gait analysis with a patient. Alongside visual gait analysis, the stappone sensor insoles were also used. These sensor insoles enable the measurement of load distribution and gait parameters. Kirsten Götz-Neumann demonstrated how stappone sensor insoles could provide even more precise and comprehensive information. The ability of the patient to adapt her gait in real-time through live biofeedback was particularly emphasized, showcasing a significant advancement for clinical practice and rehabilitation.

Conclusion and Outlook

The gait analysis course by Kirsten Götz-Neumann at the Barmherzige Brüder Hospital in Vienna was a great success, offering participants valuable insights into the latest developments in gait analysis. The combination of theoretical knowledge and practical applications, especially through the integration of stappone sensor insoles, allowed for a holistic view of gait diagnostics.

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