Process of a Gait Analysis


Ganganalyse unterstützt Therapieplanung

Gait analysis supports targeted therapy planning in rehabilitation. Using technologies like STAPPONE Medical/Physio, gait deviations are precisely analyzed to identify causes such as motor problems, pain, or sensory disturbances. The appropriate treatment is developed and regularly reviewed to ensure success.

Gait analysis plays a central role in modern rehabilitation. It helps us develop and apply individualized treatment measures for patients. The process begins with identifying the main problem and its underlying causes. Below, we present the steps of this process:

  1. Problem Identification and Determination of the Main Issue
    The first step in gait analysis is to carefully observe the patient’s gait. All identified deviations and test results are documented in writing. For a more detailed analysis, it is recommended to record the gait with a video and evaluate it in slow motion.

With STAPPONE Medical/Physio, you have the ability to capture the patient’s entire body via camera while simultaneously visualizing the pressure distribution of the footprint as a heatmap. Various gait parameters, which STAPPONE Medical/Physio calculates automatically, can also be compared. Additional tests, such as muscle strength assessments, range of motion, and pain scales, provide further valuable insights.

  1. Determination of Possible Main Causes
    The main causes of gait deviations can be categorized into five groups:
    • Impaired motor control and/or muscle weakness
    • Abnormal joint movement ranges
    • Sensory disturbances
    • Pain
    • Limbic-emotional causes
    A thorough analysis helps to determine the main cause in order to plan the next steps accordingly.


  1. Treatment and Evaluation of Treatment Success
    After identifying the main cause, the therapist develops the appropriate treatment measures. Treatment success is regularly checked through repeated gait analyses. These evaluations are essential to see how much the patient’s functions have been restored and whether further adjustments are needed.
    By using the latest technology, such as STAPPONE Medical, we can utilize real-time data and make treatment more efficient.

STAPPONE products support patients, orthopedic specialists, sports physicians, and physiotherapists in faster rehabilitation, objective diagnosis, and comprehensive treatment. Do you have any questions about the product? Contact us! We are always happy to assist you.

Reference: Götz-Neumann, Kirsten. Understanding Walking. Gait Analysis in Physiotherapy. p. 107



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