Innovative Research Approaches in Physiotherapy



IMC Krems zeigt die stappone Sensorsohle


Innovative Research Approaches in Physiotherapy


In a collaborative effort between IMC Krems University of Applied Sciences and stappone, students from the Physiotherapy program have initiated a groundbreaking research project. This project focuses on the analysis of gait parameters and the optimization of physiotherapeutic assessments utilizing stappone’s sensor insoles.


Research Questions and Methodological Approach


The research projects encompass the analysis of various parameters in gait assessments, with particular emphasis on camera positioning to blind the examiner, thereby ensuring objective results. Students work in groups to explore and compare different research questions, fostering a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.


Utilization of stappone Sensor Insoles


A key component of this research project is the use of stappone sensor insoles, which provide detailed data on the gait parameters of test subjects. These insoles collect extensive information on pressure distribution, movement patterns, and motion parameters during walking, which are critical for the accurate evaluation of assessments.



Collaboration and Supervision


Under the supervision of Agnes Wilhelm, the students engage in close collaboration with stappone. This partnership offers students practical experience in applying advanced technologies in physiotherapy while also generating valuable scientific insights. The project underscores the significance of interdisciplinary collaboration in scientific research and provides students with an exceptional opportunity to enhance their expertise in movement analysis.


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