Understand walking even better
with stapp one

Especially in orthopaedics and physiotherapy gait analysis plays an important role. An abnormal gait pattern can indicate disorders or diseases. Until now, objective gait analysis has been expensive and time-consuming. STAPPONE Medical is the innovative medical product for quick and objective gait analysis.

The human gait is a complex interaction of different body parts and muscles. According to physiotherapist and founder of the International Association of Gait and Movement Analysis Experts Kirsten Götz-Neumann, a deep understanding of the human gait is the basis for a comprehensive treatment. For example, a patient may come to physical therapy because of knee problems. The conventional standard program with orthopaedists or physiotherapists is the examination in a standing or lying position. However, this only reveals isolated problems. “Unfortunately, from a purely biomechanical point of view the part that hurts is very often not necessarily the real cause,” ¹ says Kirsten Götz-Neumann. The knee hurts but it can be affected by many different other parts of the body. Weak hip muscles, for example, can cause knee problems.

Objective gait analysis with STAPP  ONE Medical

With STAPPONE Medical, the therapist can get an accurate and comprehensive picture of the medical condition. It consists of the intelligent stappone sensor soles and the corresponding medical software, which is installed on a computer or tablet. The soles are simply inserted into comfortable shoes and measure the foot pressure load of patients. The medical software receives the pressure measurement data via Bluetooth and provides visual live biofeedback as well as other objective data on relevant gait parameters for gait analysis, such as stride length, stance phase, swing phase, cadence, and body center of gravity. The patient’s gait is recorded with a camera and at the same time the pressure of the foot in contact with the ground is visualized via a heat map. With this live biofeedback, patients can understand their body’s movement patterns while walking and correct themselves in real time.

The gait and movement analysis expert Ms. Götz Neumann explains: “If I can’t see my legs myself, if I don’t even recognize that, for example, at a very important moment while walking, the heel is not lifted off but stays down, how am I supposed to change that? That means I need the insight, the experience and with the video feedback analysis the patient has for the first time the possibility to recognize that, for example, his heel always stays down. “ ²

STAPPONE Medical offers a unique combination of video recording and objective gait parameters. The assessments can be saved and compared with one another. Video and data make the treatment process and progress visible.

Comprehensive analysis

Closely inspecting the gait is essential. However, the naked eye has limited capacity. Both therapists and patients benefit from live biofeedback systems like STAPPONE Medical. Patients can be examined and treated holistically and at the same time they have the possibility to recognize and understand their deficits better. This in turn motivates and increases compliance. The actual causes are also recognized more quickly and easily.

Do you have questions about the use of STAPPONE Medical ? Contact us! We are always at your disposal.

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¹ Den richtigen Gang einlegen. SWR odysso. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcHBKnGx99I&t=96s

² ebd.


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